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In everyone’s dream,
we deliver the innovative Future

Gazing at City Skyline

Buckingham Investment

Welcome to Buckingham Investment, a pioneering Hong Kong-based firm with over two decades of expertise in shaping success across diverse projects. As a leader in the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), Buckingham Investment is at the forefront of the AI revolution, driving innovation and efficiency in our consultancy services.​


Our expanded consultancy services now target businesses, particularly startups, with a comprehensive suite of advisory solutions. These include business plan development, technology and business review, technical enhancement, business restructuring, and investment acquisition. Leveraging advanced AI technologies, we provide precise evaluations of technologies and company structures, significantly improving the development and implementation of business strategies.


Recent projects have emphasized environmental sustainability, where we employ AI to optimize and innovate in areas such as carbon reduction, hydrogen production, Energy Storage Systems (ESS), and wastewater purification. By integrating AI, we enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of our solutions, ensuring we deliver cutting-edge, sustainable results.

Buckingham Investment - Our Business Categories
Image by kazuend

Environment & Energy

Buckingham Investment and our USA subsidiary, Irontree Energy, are at the forefront of environmental sustainability and clean energy innovation, leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies to enhance our impact. Our projects focus on reducing carbon emissions, enhancing hydrogen production, and developing advanced Energy Storage Systems (ESS). We are committed to improving existing technologies and pioneering new methods to address global environmental challenges. Key initiatives include:


  • Carbon Reduction: Utilizing AI-driven analytics to develop and deploy advanced carbon capture technologies in Inner Mongolia.

  • Hydrogen Production: Implementing AI-optimized membrane technologies for efficient green and blue hydrogen production.

  • Energy Storage Systems (ESS): Deploying state-of-the-art AI-integrated ESS solutions in Indonesia to support renewable energy integration and enhance energy security.

  • Wastewater Purification: Applying AI-enhanced polymer membrane technology for effective industrial wastewater treatment in China.


Sunset on Solar Panels


In the pharmaceutical sector, we collaborate with leading companies to develop and enhance herbal products and medical treatments, utilizing AI to maximize efficacy and innovation. Our focus includes:


  • Ginseng Processing: Buckingham Investment and Irontree Energy, based in the United States, have globally pioneered the discovery of the mechanism behind ginseng saponin. We have developed highly effective products and methodologies for maximizing the use of natural ingredients through ginseng saponin.

  • Specialized Health Products: Creating effective treatments for prostate health and menopause relief through AI-driven advanced herbal extraction technologies. Beyond ginseng, we are also expanding our expertise into health foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and livestock feed additives, through meticulous analysis and preservation of various herbal ingredients to optimize their efficacy.

  • PDT Cancer Treatment: Partnering on AI-assisted projects that leverage our expertise in biotechnology to deliver cutting-edge health solutions.


​​​​Culture & Entertainment


Buckingham Investment embraces the intersection of technology and art through our Culture & Entertainment ventures. We participate in innovative projects that bring digital art and historical art forms to new audiences, utilizing AI to enhance these experiences. Our initiatives include:


  • Digital Art Exhibitions: Leveraging AI and Fulldome technology to create immersive digital art displays and virtual reality experiences in Indonesia, offering a new dimension to art appreciation.

  • Virtual Reality: Developing AI-driven VR experiences that transport users to different worlds, enhancing cultural and artistic engagement.

  • Historical Art Reproduction: Collaborating on projects to recreate ancient Korean art using AI, preserving and promoting cultural heritage through modern technology.

At the Office
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